Sergio Enríquez* (1999)Designer  born in Mexico. Graduated from the Industrial Design Faculty at UAA.

Recently finished the Program of Advanced Studies in Modern Design and traditional Japanese Craftsmanship, in Kyoto Insitute of Technology in Kyoto, Japan.
Former Designer at Joel Escalona Studio and  Designing and producing high-end furniture for the international market.
Previously worked within the fields of interior and furniture design for local architectural projects in his city, for the luxury market.

Since 2022, Sergio has been working independently, collaborating with both national and international brands, design studios, and practices on a wide range of projects.

His work is characterized by a deep exploration of manufacturing processes, expressed through innovative proposals that decontextualize traditional techniques. His designs balance elegance with functionality and efficiency, reflecting his commitment to craftsmanship and design innovation.

Sergio’s work has been featured in numerous publications, blogs, and platforms such as Aescence, Leibal, A!Diseño, and Designboom. His designs have also been exhibited and recognized at prominent venues, including Zona Maco Diseño in Mexico and the Museum of Craft and Design in Kyoto, Japan.
© [2024] Sergio Enriquez. 
All rights reserved.